Hi! Are you completely new to yoga or just new to the studio and not sure which classes to start with? We have two different introductory offers and which one you choose will depend on your comfort level and sometimes, your schedule. 

  • Brand New Intro! 2 for $28. You want to try a class or two before going further.

    This offer gives you two Drop Ins to get you started. You can either use them both yourself or share one with a friend and take your very first class with us together. This offer is available to new clients and is good for 11 days from the date of purchase. Click HERE to grab yours!

  • FIRST CONNECTION - New client offer. You’re ready to explore and try a bunch of classes.

This offer gives you 21 consecutive days of unlimited regular classes for just $60 + tax. It's the best way to try different classes, get to know the teachers, and see how our wellness classes fit into your schedule.

Bonus - As part of this package we're happy to offer 15% off any yoga products you might need and discounts on your next pricing option if purchased before your offer expires. Click HERE to get started!